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Standard Operating Procedures for Municipal Corporations

Planning and Coordination

A. Formation of a Task Force:

  1.     Establish a dedicated task force comprising municipal officials, representatives from Punaravartan , local NGOs, and community leaders.
  2.     Assign specific roles and responsibilities to each member of the task force.

iii. Training to the task force on the core points of the CPCB Revised Immersion Guidelines 2020 and the MPCB Immersion Guidelines 2022.

B. Awareness Campaign:

  1.     Launch an awareness campaign well in advance of the festival to educate the public about the importance of using eco-friendly clay idols and the Punaravartan campaign.
  2.     Use various media platforms such as social media, local newspapers, radio, and television to spread the message.

   iii.     Conduct workshops and seminars in collaboration with schools, colleges, and community centers to educate people about the campaign.

C. Partnership with Local Artisans:

  1. Implement strict ban on the production and sale of POP Ganesh idols – conduct raids to check on artisans 
  2. Registration process for those murtikars that only work with eco friendly materials – ID cards
  3. Identify and collaborate with local artisans and murtikars who can use the recycled clay to create new idols.
  4. Develop a comprehensive database of local artisans and murtikars who can use recycled clay.
  5. Establish criteria for selecting artisans, focusing on those with a history of sustainable practices and willingness to participate in the campaign.
  6. Organize meetings and workshops with artisans to explain the campaign, its benefits, and how they can participate. Training on recycling process if necessary.
  7. Financial support, infrastructural support and incentives to artisans working only with ecofriendly materials 
  8. Create a map of artisans locations and publish so that citizens can directly return the clay also. 

( Use the following methods to identify artisans:

Reach out to local artisan associations and craft cooperatives.

 Utilize existing networks of the Punaravartan / Ecoexist Foundation and other NGOs.

Conduct a survey or registration drive inviting artisans to participate in the campaign.)

Collection of clay

A. Identification of Immersion Spots:

  1. Identify all major and minor immersion spots in the city.
  2. Barricade natural water bodies during the Ganeshutsav – rivers, lakes and creeks to the extent possible 
  3. Set up a network of artificial immersion tanks within each ward – responsibility of ward offices to monitor and track the immersion process.
  4. Install signage to guide devotees to these collection points.
  5. Set up seperate tanks for clay idol immersion and collection systems for those who immerse at home and bring the clay here. 
  6. Measure the amount of clay collected 

B. Setup of Collection Points:

  1.     Calculate the required number of collection points based on target clay collection:

  Assume each collection point can handle approximately 500 kg of clay.

  To collect 50 tons (50,000 kg) of clay, set up at least 100 collection points (50,000 kg / 500 kg per point).

ii.Distribute these locations evenly across the city so that each ward is covered. 

iii. Identify a few central temporary storage spots where the clay can be brought to be sorted and measured 

C. Infrastructure and Equipment:

  1.     Provide containers and bins at collection points:

  Assume each container/bin can hold 50 kg of clay.

  Install at least 1,000 containers/bins (50,000 kg / 50 kg per container).

  1.     Arrange for transportation vehicles to regularly collect the filled containers and transport them to the temporary storage sites. .

D. Volunteers and Staff:

Conduct a training of Sanitations staff to discuss process of collection at immersion points. 

  1.     Invite NGOS to Recruit and train volunteers to manage collection points and assist santitation staff and devotees.
  2.     Provide them with necessary safety gear and training to handle clay idols safely.

E. Monitoring and Supervision:

  1.     Appoint supervisors to monitor the collection process at each immersion spot.
  2.     Ensure regular updates and feedback from each collection point to the central task force.

Delivery of Collected Clay to Artisans

A. Temporary Storage and Processing:

  1.     Set up temporary storage facilities where the collected clay idols can be stored and processed.
  2.     Arrange for facilities to measure, clean and segregate the clay from any other materials.

B. Logistics and Transportation:

  1.     Develop a transportation plan to deliver the processed clay to local artisans.
  2.     Coordinate with local transport providers to ensure timely and efficient delivery.

    iii.     Calculate the number of trucks needed:

  Assume an average truck haulage capacity of 2 tons.

  At least 25 truck trips will be required to transport 50 tons of collected clay (50,000 kg / 2,000 kg per truck).

C. Timeline of Delivery:

  1.     Prepare a timeline for the delivery of clay to artisans:

  Initial collection phase: 5 days during immersion.

  Processing phase: Next 5 days.

  1.     Delivery phase:

  Over the following 5 days, ensuring all clay is delivered within 15 days post-immersion.

   iii.     Schedule deliveries in batches to artisans, ensuring an even distribution of clay:

  If 50 tons of clay is to be distributed among 50 artisans, each artisan will receive approximately 1 ton of clay.

  1.     Deliver in smaller, manageable batches to ensure quality and prevent overloading any artisan.

D. Artisan Collaboration:

  1.     Inform local artisans about the delivery schedule and ensure they are prepared to receive and store the clay.
  2.     Provide artisans with necessary support and resources to process the clay into new idols.

E. Incentives and Support:

  1.     Offer incentives to artisans for participating in the campaign, such as subsidies on materials, recognition, and promotional support.
  2.     Facilitate training sessions for artisans on sustainable practices and the benefits of using recycled clay.

F. Documentation and Reporting:

  1.     Maintain records of the amount of clay collected, processed, and delivered to artisans.

  ii.     Prepare regular reports on the progress of the campaign and share them with stakeholders.

Post-Campaign Review & Follow up

A. Evaluation:

  1.     Conduct a thorough evaluation of the campaign’s effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
  2.     Collect feedback from all stakeholders, including municipal staff, volunteers, devotees, and artisans.

B. Reporting:

  1.     Prepare a comprehensive report detailing the campaign’s outcomes, challenges faced, and lessons learned.
  2.     Share the report with municipal authorities, Ecoexist Foundation, and other relevant stakeholders.

iii. Reporting of clay collection and reuse to the Majhi Vasundhara Abhiyan

C. Continuous Improvement:

  1.     Use the feedback and evaluation results to refine and improve the SOP for future iterations of the campaign.
  2.     Plan for early implementation of improvements for the next festival season.

D. Develop a market for Recycled clay idols 

Marketing support to artisans recycling clay to market their recycled clay idols

Majhi Vasundhara Abhiyan 5.0 has allocated 50 points to the reuse of clay sludge after the efstival

Majhi Vasundhara Abhiyan 5.0 has allocated 50 points to the reuse of clay sludge after the efstival

By following these detailed steps, a Municipal Corporation in Maharashtra can successfully implement the Punaravartan campaign, ensuring a sustainable and eco-friendly celebration of the Ganesh Festival across the state and in every Municipal Corporation across Maharashtra.

 This document was prepared by Ad. Maitreya Ghorpade and the Punaravartan Core Team based on the model followed in Pune city during the years 2022 and 2023.

Click here to find a collection center near you