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Creatives by Brhat The inner significance of ritual Design: Simran Parmar

Just as Pārvatī devotionally molded Gaṇeśa, Hindu philosophy teaches us the beauty of circularity in our festivals. This year, let’s honor Śrī Gaṇeśa, the deity that presides over the Earth element, by reusing and recycling clay. Crafting a mūrti is more than a ritual—it’s a sacred act that deepens our bond with the earth.
Each mūrti we create is a reflection of our devotion to Gaṇeśa and our commitment to nurturing the environment that sustains us. Let’s turn our devotion into action by responsibly conserving and recycling soil. For more details :
#SpiritualArt #CulturalHeritage #GaneshChaturthi #Punaravartan #DoYourBit #recycle #renew #restore #sustainability #circularity #ecoganesha2024

Prāṇa Pratiṣṭhāna is the sacred process through which Divine energy is invoked and invited to enter a man-made idol. Through a series of rituals, universal consciousness is embodied within an inert material object. The idol is then believed to come alive, carrying this divine presence. The material of the idol – whether clay, wood, or metal, houses this divine energy, that is worshipped through the ten days of the festival. After this, through another series of rituals, the energy is restored back to Nature.
This journey of prāṇa mirrors the human lifespan, reminding devotees that prāṇa is supremely independent, even though it may appear to have momentarily taken a form. More details:
#SpiritualArt #CulturalHeritage #GaneshChaturthi #Punaravartan #DoYourBit #recycle #renew #restore #sustainability #circularity #ecoganesha2024

Manas Pūjā is a process of worship that occurs entirely within the imagination of the devotee. Recognizing the power of saṅkalpa and the effect visualization can have on our inner experience, Manas Pūjā is recommended as a way to internalize the process of worship. Allowing her imagination full freedom, the devotee can create as beautiful a pūjā as she wishes, without having to change a single thing externally.
Manas Pūjā is considered to be equally, if not more potent, than external worship because, in truth, all ritual aims to transform the inner experience of the worshiper. Indeed, a ritual conducted without inner engagement is rendered futile. Manas Pūjā can be performed without expending any outward energy and without causing harm to any natural resource or living being. More details:
#SpiritualArt #CulturalHeritage #GaneshChaturthi #Punaravartan #DoYourBit #recycle #renew #restore #sustainability #circularity #ecoganesha2024

Darśana is the perception of the Divine. It is a shift in the way we see and in what we see. At the moment of darśana, sight itself is transformed and becomes vision. It is a moment of unity—a complete experience of mind and body. For one fleeting instant, it feels as if our entire reality dissolves into something much more sublime. This is the unveiling of Māyā, where the heart is overwhelmed with devotion, sometimes bringing tears to the eyes.
Nature offers us countless moments of revelation. Each sunrise, flower, and dewdrop presents an opportunity for divine connection. Sādhanā prepares us for these moments of illumination. As we learn and practice to look beyond the ordinary, we begin to see with our heart and not just with our eyes. This is why, in the moment of darśana, one instinctively closes their eyes. More details:
#GaneshChaturthi #Punaravartan #DoYourBit #circularity #ecoganesha2024

Visarjana is an act of loving surrender, a ritual in which we offer back what we once considered most beautiful and came to cherish, allowing it to return to its source.
In this sacred act, we are reminded that Nature moves in cycles. Moreover, as we witness the departure of our beloved form, we realize that the prāṇa embodied in the idol or body is, in fact, all-pervasive and supremely free. We recognize that even though the external form changes, the inner principle remains constant and unchanging. What we truly surrender is our attachment to a specific form, making way for the embrace of the vast, formless Divine.
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Punarāvartana is rebirth. From one form to another, the Universal Conscious and Intelligent Śakti constantly transforms herself. Even as she manifests in waves of creation and dissolution, she remains steady, rooted, and unchanging.
When one recognizes this play of consciousness, one is freed from attachment and the grief of loss. This understanding allows one to create, dissolve, and recreate, just as nature does—effortlessly flowing through all phases.
Punarāvartana serves as a reminder that nature’s cycles are her way of restoring balance, and this balance is the key to sustainability. In all human endeavors, when we embrace the cyclic processes of nature, we design with the end in mind, respecting the necessity of degradation and dissolution as much as the beauty of creation. We allow things to age and disintegrate, rather than clinging to permanence. By embracing impermanence, we work in harmony with natural cycles to restore balance in everything we do. More details:
#GaneshChaturthi #Punaravartan #DoYourBit #circularity #ecoganesha2024